How To Disable and Enable Editor Option in Your WordPress Dashboard

If you would like to disable the Editor option from your WordPress dashboard maybe for some security reasons or you prefer editing directly through your cPanel or via an FTP (downloading the file to edit and re-uploading after editing), then you've just got a step ahead.

Disabling the Editor Option: For some people who have more than one Administrators (Users) on their website and if you are the Admin 1 (maybe the owner of the website) as you are the only one who has access to your cPanel and you don't any other Administrator to edit your themes/plugin, then disabling the Editor option from your WordPress dashboard could be a choice so as no other person could edit your theme/plugin.

On this post, I will be showing you on How to Disable the Editor option then on How to Enable (Re-enable) the Editor option.

Steps on How To Disable Editor Option in Your WordPress Dashboard

Step 1: Log in to your cPanel.
Step 2: Go to your root directory (public_html).
Step 3: Locate and edit the Wp-config.php or wp-config.php file.
Step 4: Copy/Add the code below to your wp-config.php


define( 'DISALLOW_FILE_EDIT', true );

Step 5: After adding, Clik on the Save button.

Steps on How To Enable Editor Option in Your WordPress Dashboard

Step 1: Log in to your cPanel.
Step 2: Go to your root directory (public_html).
Step 3: Locate and edit the Wp-config.php or wp-config.php file.
Step 4: Check for the below code, if it exists then remove it.


define( 'DISALLOW_FILE_EDIT', true );

Step 5: After removing, Clik on the Save button.

N.B: Reload your WordPress Dashboard to see the effect after adding the code to disabling or removing the code to re-enabling the Editor option! Cheers!