WP Fix: Yoast SEO Snippet Editor & Focus Keyword not Showing Up

Have you tried editing the SEO of a post but the snippet editor doesn't show up, neither does the focus keyword? Not only that, SEO Score and Readability Score doesn't show up too! This is quite frustrating...

This issue happened to me too, and it made me stop making new posts for quite long on the affected website. Although that was ignorant enough, not until I settled down to discover and fix this issue. You might be facing similar problems and I don't want you to be ignorant on this again, that's why I write this post on How to Fix Yoast SEO Snippet Editor & Focus Keyword not Showing Up.

Steps on How To Fix Missing Snippet Editor & Focus Keyword on Yoast SEO

Step 1: Log in to your WordPress dashboard.

Step 2: Go to Users (the admin).

Step 3: Scroll to the bottom of the User Profile, you will see the following options checked.

☑ Disable SEO analysis
☑ Diasable readability analysis

Step 4: Uncheck the above-enabled options and click on the Update profile button.

☐ Disable SEO analysis
☐ Diasable readability analysis

...And you are done! Quite simple right? but this made me insane, lol!